Monday 5 October 2015

What is the comedy?

Disharmony between people is often used in comedy, the higher the level of disharmony the greater the comedy effect.  Very often the ‘disharmony’ is caused by difference in the situation and background of the characters in the comedy e.g. ‘Trading Places’.

Another often used device in comedy is the ‘absurd’ situation, where something that would not happen in reality does happen. An example is 'Blue Streak':

A thief play a police, but step to step, he become an excellent police.

Sitcom comedy’s often use misunderstandings and coincidences to produce comic effects.
There are many kinds of comedy, some comedy focus on structure, some comedy focus on dialogue but for me I want to focus on physical comedy.

Physical comedy is that which involves bodily contact or activity. There are many famous comedy actors use physical comedy to perform such as Jim Carrey.

La Grande vadrouille

Within comedies, sound effects are often also used to increase the comic effect

Some directors will use canned laughter in the comedy, because it can create an atmosphere of laughter and affect the audience.

Before publishing the film, the director makes a test shooting, it’s used to test the level of audience reaction.


IMDb. (1999). Blue streak. Available: Last accessed Octorber 05, 2015.

IMDb. (1966). Don't Look Now... We're Being Shot At!. Available: Last accessed Octorber 05, 2015.

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