Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Shooting finial work

Last Friday and Sunday, my classmates and I shoot my final project. Before shooting, we face a big problem; the shooting location is closed on Sunday. Thus, I need to find a new shooting location or tell actors to delay the shooting time. Fortunately,  I find a new shooting location on Thursday.

Friday morning, we shoot in Toilet. The toilet is in Arkwright building. The supervisor gives us two hours to shoot film, So we need do everything quickly.  In the toilet, Setting light is a big problem. We have already borrowed the battery. Unfortunately, the batter is no power, we have to hold the LED light to shoot film. Our crews are excellent. Finally, we finish shooting before the deadline.

In the afternoon, we shoot the film in my flat. Shirley and Zoey play two customers in my film.  they only have two dialogues, but they perform are very well.

The primary screen is Jim pour the water on the phone. So we do rehearse many times. During shooting, I use the different angle to shoot this action.

Sunday morning, we shoot in the Boots library. This screen is talking about Jim and Tony. Colin is the perfect actor; he can understand Tony's behavior. During the shooting, he gives me many professional pieces of advice. Those advice help me to improve my work.

Now, my shooting is wrap. Thanks for my classmates to help me shoot film. Thanks for Colin and Alexander to play two major players.  They are professional actors. In the next time, I will edit my film.

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